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devil in mind

 devil in mind

can you see, set the corner
i sit down, and wacthing off you tonight
in the dark room, i like that, and you in front of me...
reff :
devil in my mind
lighning huricane
there is a whisper
mess up, be a fry
into my soul
i control your body
to be my slave, to be my follower
for my honor
I give you what you want
be faithful to me
back to reff :
you want to be angry with me
can not
because I am your god
can make your wish come true
kill your holy heart can, you can,
destroy can
sit in your new place
look at my fun
= they are so stupid
= They're my asses
= they follow what I want
= they are lost
= they make sin as I want
far from god, and no faith
gold, a demon
your god in your mind
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